how to get rid of double chin

The most common body consciousness that occurs with almost everyone is, double chin! That little fat on your neck and chin can be the devil eating all your confidence. But do remember that, double chins are not permanent! There are many answers to the question ‘How to get rid of a double chin’?. You can cover it with makeup or completely get rid of; double chin with the help of exercise. Surgeries are also available to help you quickly get a toned jawline but they are not recommended for everyone! Hence in this post, we are looking at the natural ways that help you reduce the double chin.

Remember, maybe your body is communicationg something that is laying ahead through double chin symtpom. Hence before jumping into conclusions on your own, always have a checkup to make sure everything is fine.

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What are the Reasons for Double Chin?

There are many reasons for the double chin. Don’t think that if you are not obese you won’t get a double chin! Double chin is not always because of the overweight. Many people who are below obesity can also get a double chin and hence the reason for double chin is not just the fat!

Reasons for Double Chin are;

  • Belly Fat – If you have belly fat you are prone to getting a double chin! The flatter is the belly, much toner is your jawline. When you get rid of belly fat, you will automatically get rid of a double chin.
  • Age – As people age, the skin around the neck becomes saggy which leads to a double chin.
  • Loose Skin – If the skin is not tight around the neck then that causes a double chin.
  • Phubbing – When you use your phone with your head down, neck muscles droop because of the pressure on the neck. When you use the phone in this position for a longer time, that causes a double chin.
  • Lack of Facial Movements – If there are no facial movements then a double chin is likely to occur. Chewing for a longer time, exercising facial muscles etc. might help to tone the neck muscles.
  • Thyroid: People who have thyroid problems are prone to double chin symptoms. This cannot be controlled by any exercise unless you control the hormone.
  • Genetics: Genes also play a major role in deciding our body shape and features.
  • Unhealthy Diet: Eating a lot of junk food can cause a double chin. In this way, your overall body fat accumulation will be increased.

Related: How To Get rid of Belly Fat

5 Exercises To Help Get Rid of Double Chin

These Exercises will help you reduce the double chin. However, if you have belly fat then doing only double chin exercises won’t help! You need to tone the whole body to get a perfect jawline. Also, these exercises take lots of time to show results. Hence having patience and consistent efforts are very important.

1) Glaring The Sky Exercise

  • Look at the Ceiling by stretching the neck as much as you can.
  • Make an ‘O’ with lips.
  • Be in this position for 10-12 seconds.
  • Repeat 10-15 times a day.

2) Shoulder Exercise

  • Keep your chest straight and then hold your shoulders with hand fingers.
  • Slowly move both shoulders in a circular manner.
  • Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Now move the shoulders in the opposite direction.
  • Repeat 15-20 times.

3) Facial Exercises

  • Say E with a wide grin and O with a tight stretch for 12 times a day.

  • Make a fish face by sucking cheeks and lips
  • Smile wide
  • Hold the position for 5-7 seconds
  • Repeat 10 times a day.

  • Move your face forward by stretching your neck.
  • Slowly stick your tongue out as far as possible while you count 1-5
  • Release the tongue.
  • Repeat 10-15 times a day

4) Ball Exercise

  • Take a ball that can fit perfectly on your neck (Ex: Tennis Ball)
  • Keep it on neck and press with chin tightly.
  • Hold it for 5 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat 10 times a day.

5) Lifting Arms

  • Lift both the arms while looking up (Stretching)
  • Bring them down while looking down
  • Repeat 15 times a day.

How to Cover Double Chin Perfectly

Reducing double chin is not a one-day job. It takes time! Until then we have some tips to cover your double chin so that no need to be conscious at all about it!

  1. Men can leave a beard to cover the double chin (simple!)
  2. Use a powder that is a shade darker than your skin tone. Apply this powder to the neck area so that it won’t be highlighted.
  3. Draw your jawline with a pencil that is a shade darker than your skin tone. Blend this smoothly so that your jawline looks prominent hiding the double chin.
  4. Beautiful eye-makeup can draw attention from the double chin.
  5. Lighter or neutral lipstick draws lesser attention than dark shades.
  6. Use a haircut to cover your double chin. An angled or layered haircut helps to hide the double chin.
  7. Never wear a Choker or Necklaces!
  8. Keep your chest straight. While walking or sitting always stretch your neck. This becomes a habit after some practice.

Cosmetics for Double Chin/Turkey Neck

1) Neck Firming Cream

how to get rid of double chin

This cream helps you to firm the neckline especially when you have wrinkles, fine lines, or loose skin. It works best as an anti-aging cream that tightens the skin. All you need to is massage your neck in an upward motion two times a day with this cream. Not just the double chin, but you can also use this cream to tighten soggy boobs and underarms.

2) Double Chin Reducer Strap Mask

how to get rid of double chin

This is a V-line lifting mask for face & chin line. You have to wear this mask for about 30 minutes and see the magic. It helps to tighten the skin, firms the loose skin, tones the jawline, reduces wrinkles and provides hydration. These are the best solution to people who have no time for double chin exercises or just lazy!

3) Neckline Slimmer & Massager

how to get rid of double chin

This neckline toning system can be used for multiple purposes. Chin and Neck Massager, Face Lifting, Jawline lifting etc. Three-level coil resistance; Low, Medium, and High helps to tighten and lift saggy skin by creating pressure. You can easily fix the strings, adjust and remove as required. Your muscles take some time to adjust to this massager but if you keep doing it definitely shows positive results.

4) Skin Tightening Wand Machine

how to get rid of double chin

Another type of machine helping with facial muscle toning. It comes with four types of tubes; Bent Tube, Mushroom Tube, Comb Tube, and Tongue Tube, each having specific features. Bent Tube helps to get rid of acne and other skin imperfections, Mashroom tube helps to treat border areas such as cheeks, forehead, Tongue Tube – another tube for acne, Comb tube to energize the hair follicles. All these tubes help to circulate the blood and improve skin oxygenation. This is an all-in-one machine for all kinds of skincare, haircare, and facial muscle concerns.