Pimples are the worst enemy that anyone can have. Many people are fighting with pimples every day. Lucky ones get rid of these evils after teenage but few suffer from adult acne for a lifetime.

That small bubble on the pretty face can cause lots of damage. You will be conscious of it while talking to people, always thinking about it, squeeze it and finally ends up hating it the most. It suppresses the self-confidence most of the times.

Most of the times pimple pops up especially on important occasions like date, wedding, convocation, family gatherings, festivals.. making your day more painful. Uhhhh disgusting!!

Your favorite product might fail to do the magic in a single day.

What if you squeeze it? Oh, wait! Let’s not talk about it.

There are few home remedies that work like magic in an overnight. They shrink the pimple effectively thus gives a quick solution.


Why do Pimples happen?


As we already know pimples are the result of dead skin cells, clogged pores, black, and whiteheads. It is very important to keep our skin clean and healthy.

Knowingly or unknowingly we are doing skincare mistakes which might cause breakouts and acne.

Maintain a healthy skincare routine, cleanse, scrub and moisturize your skin every day. Drink lots of water to keep skin hydrated. Eat fruits, avoid oily food items, over-consumption of coffee also might lead to pimples.

Use of too many skincare products


Commercials influence us to try different products to avoid pimples but most of the times these products worsen the situation.

Every product won’t work for everyone. Skin type for each person is different, some have sensitive, some have dry, few others have oily skin, many have combination skin type. Hence we need to be very careful while selecting skincare products.

Every time I see skincare products promotion my hopes raise up. Even though they are expensive people wants to try them. We are in search of one product that cures our pimple and reduces dark spots. Unfortunately, this magic product has not been discovered yet.

Some products need a longer time to show results. But everybody wants quick results. One thing we forget all the time is ‘Patience‘. Patience is the ultimate remedy, right?

If you are still in that path (trial and error path) then schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to know thoroughly about your skin type, allergic factors, sensitivity, oily & dry conditions, and PH level.


Note: Check product ingredients, sensitivity, PH level, % of benzene chloride (If added) before buying any product.


Not all the products are bad. There are many 100% clear skin assured products are available in the market. The only important task is to find the suitable product for our skin and that is the most difficult job ever.



Here are few home remedies


A pimple that comes on the previous night of any functions, parties, weddings, date nights takes away the confidence and smile. We all know that it is a common thing but naturally, we feel conscious about it.

There is no product in the market that shrinks a pimple completely in an overnight. To avoid all this pain, I personally recommend trying home remedies which help you to shrink a pimple in an overnight.

There is no guarantee that these remedies will cure pimples(for everyone) but at least there will not be any side effects.

Just give a try, I’m sure you will be glad to know these easy and cheap tricks. All these tips mentioned here costs very few bucks hence it is economical as well.


Mint (Pudina) Leaves


Shrink pimple in an overnight


Mint is known for its antibacterial properties and also it is a rich source of Menthol. Hence it is widely used as one of the main ingredients in toners, moisturizers, cleansers & astringents.

Crush the mint leaves in hand, apply this juice evenly on the face. Leave it for a whole night and wash in the morning. Repeat this process for 4 to 5 days continuously to get rid of pimples.

Tiny pimples, rashes, and redness will be recovered by regular use.


Tip: You can also grind the Mint leaves and apply the paste on a pimple. Wash the face before it dries out.




Shrink pimple in an overnight


Another naturally available product with an antibiotic, antifungal & antiviral properties.

Cut garlic into slices and gently rub on the pimples (Don’t rub too much). Leave for 10 minutes and wash with warm water. You can also eat garlic which heals a pimple faster.


Note: This method may burst your pimple, hence be careful. Wash thoroughly to avoid spreading to other parts.




Shrink pimple in an overnight


Honey has anti-inflammatory qualities that prevent swelling and redness caused by a pimple. This acts as a moisturizer to the skin hence is highly recommended for people with dry skin.

Apply a dab of honey over a zit and cover with a band-aid overnight. when you wake up, the zit will be gone with no scar.


Mix honey and lemon. Apply this mixture to skin daily for the clearer skin.




Shrink pimple in an overnight


You can shrink a pimple within minutes by putting a dab of Listerine on it. The alcohol will dry it up and cause it to fade. Listerine is one of the best solutions to shrink a pimple effectively.


If you have sensitive or allergy-prone skin this may cause more breakouts.


Ice cube


Shrink pimple in an overnight


Wrap an ice cube in a piece of cloth. hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds. Wait for a few minutes and repeat the process until a pimple shrinks completely.

Icing helps to reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation. This also minimizes pores and shrinks the breakout size.




Shrink pimple in an overnight


I was not sure when I got to know about this from a friend. But guys, this definitely does the job. Put a pinch of toothpaste on a pimple before going to bed. Toothpaste dries out the white zit hence shrinking it to ground level.

This is a little time-consuming process.

Next time whenever you get a pimple try these methods and let us know which one worked you the best. If you know any other method then share in the comment section.