Gardening has never lost its charm. It is one of the most attractive and productive hobbies in the world (On earth basically!).
I love gardening! My dream is to have a big backyard and grow all kinds of vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Whenever I’m cooking I just want to pluck fresh vegetables from my garden and use them in cooking.
Sounds like a dream isn’t it?
There are many people who have a similar dream but they are not quite sure about HOW! Gardening is easy if you know about the behaviour of plants, weather, soil type, Watering schedule, Manure & compost quality, and a few other basic things.
If you know little then you are all set! If not, don’t worry. This post will provide all you need to know about Gardening and is a complete guide for Gardening for Beginners.
Gardening Preparation
Yes, before the start of your garden it needs proper preparation. You shall jump into your Front yard or Patio and shout ‘I want to start Gardening’. That is the first step (Don’t try this!).
You need to decide what exactly you want to grow! Vegetables? Flowers? Herbs? Fancy Plants? or everything?.
Well, if your answer is everything then slow down. You are way too fast. If you are a beginner start with indoor plants. These can be grown easily and will not take much of your effort and time.
Once you know that you have enough patience and time then start with a little more. You may start growing Vegetables or Herbs. People with Backyard/front yard or big Patio are really blessed.
Gardening Essentials
- Different Sized Pots: Mainly required for Indoor & Patio Gardening.
- Loppers & Pruners: Helps to cut plant branches. Different sizes & types of Loppers & Pruners are available.
- Digging Fork: Used for aerating and turning the soil, incorporating the compost, breaking down lumps and levelling the ground.
- Digging Shovel: Used to level uneven ground & shift the soil from one place to another.
- Bulk Bags: Required to store the compost, manure, soil, Barks & Mulches.
- Lawn Rake: Rakes are designed to loosen and level soil. They can be used for the different purposes of Gardening.
- Wheelbarrows: They are used to haul stone, wood, compost, rocks or any other kind of heavy materials.
- Garden Riddle: This tool is used to sieve Garden soil. Some delicate plants may need sieved soil.
- Garden Roller: Used to even the lawn, remove lumps and level the soil.
- Watering Pipes & Spray Bottles
- Gloves: To avoid dirt, Manure & compost sticking to hands.
Gardening for Beginners
Now you have bought all the supplies and ready to go. This is the main part of Gardening. Everything that you need to do, work on, put effort will come under this part.
Once you decide to start Garden you may not leave your house or have someone all the time to take care of your plants. And also the weather is very important. Some plants may die in winter, some plants may not need watering daily, some are best indoors, some plants may attract birds & butterflies, some yield fruits in a particular season and some are seasonal flower plants.
Hence before planting any seed or plant, it is advised to study thoroughly about it.
1) Decide on Plants and study the nature of Plants
First, decide on what type of plants you want to grow. Vegetable plants are almost similar with little variation in watering and yield. Vegetables such as Chilies, Carrot, Corn, Radish etc grow from seed.
Thus knowing what you want to grow is important.
Want to try Apples in tropical region? Peroxide solution might help! Dilute Peroxide solution and leave dropwise to Plant roots. Thrice a week should be fine. This provides apple plants more axygen and help them to grow.
2) Soil for Plants Soul
Sufficient soil is required for the healthy growth of plants. If you have enough soil then well and good. If not, natural, light, well structured, aerated topsoil will help you.
Soil should be soft enough to work and rake out. Also, if there are added compounds or peat, it will affect the plants.
Soil which has develped another layer (watery layer) or looks regid may not be aerating. Punch small holes inside pot using Chopsticks for aeration.
3) Buy the Compost
Topsoil fed with compost will never fail any plant or tree. Compost is the guarantee card for plants’ life.
You can use Mulches(Organic compost such as decaying leaves, bark etc) which acts as a protective cover on a soil surface. Composts spread around the plant enriches its growth and also insulates the soil.
Don’t keep the herba directly under sun. Keep them inside house where Sun can peak through windows.
4) Growbag for Vegetables
Recently, Growbags are giving a good yield of vegetables. Growbag is a self-contained planter, full of specially blended grow bag compost that is perfect to grow vegetables. Its unique shape allows for deeper root establishment and better retention of water.
They are easy to use and ready for planting immediately. For the first six weeks there no need to feed nutrition.
- How to use Growbag
Place Growbag on its side with words and pictures facing upwards, then hold one end and shake to loosen and spread contents. The bag will then form a deep, root friendly, shape. Cut out the pictures on top of the bag and water thoroughly. Plant chose crops directly into growbag in accordance to plant guidelines.
Do not allow the bag to dry out or become waterlogged. Apply organic plant food once the plant has become established for maximum results.
Don’t fertilize too much. Over fertilisation may kill plants.
5) Landscape your garden
Once the plants are up, give a border decoration. This makes your garden look beautiful and decorates your Patio or Backyard.
Play Bark is ideal for landscape & Gardening. They also reduce garden maintenance by suppressing weed growth, conserves soil moisture during hot weather, reduces soil erosion during heavy rain, Insulates plant roots during frosty periods and many other benefits.
Cut dried leaves, stems as soon as possible.
6) Learn to Detect Bugs
Some bugs may not be visible to your eyes. By the time you realize that the plant is attacked by the bugs, most of it will be gone. Hence learn to detect bugs and take necessary action.
If you see white patches, small holes inside leaves that indicate the existence of a Bug. Different pesticides are available in the market.
Mix a 5-6 drops of a Liquid soap in a spray bottle full of water and spray on plants. This is the best way to kill pesticides.
7) Biodegradable compost
Normally, we throw most of the biodegradable stuff into the bin. Vegetable skin, Banana skin, spoiled fruit, Salad remains etc make a great fertilizer to plants.
Use this Organic waste wisely to grow a healthy garden.
Used Coffee grounds can make the best for plants & soil.
8) Best out of Broken
If you are a ceramic lover then you would be having a lot of broken vessels in your house. Use the broken vessels to grow flower plants & vegetables.
Soft drink bottles such as Cola, sprite, juice bottles etc can be the pots to plants. Cut the upper half and use them for gardening. You can make small holes in these plastic holes for aeration.
Don’t waste Kicten water. Store it and use for watering plants.
That completes our Gardening for Beginners Guide. You can plan based on your requirements, availability, location, and space.
Happy Gardening 🙂
Disclaimer: This post has been published in sponsorship with CompostDirect.com!
Thanks for sharing these tips on #ABloggingGoodTime I am a beginner gardener, we have finally gotten in most of the plants we wanted over the Christmas holidays. The weeds have been keeping us busy though, we have had a lot of sunshine and them some lovely summertime rain showers that have weeds very happy. It is lovely to watch the plants grow, and see the trees we did around the border getting slightly taller already.
That’s really cool. I know the feeling 🙂
Wow it’s great and informative. Will try to follow some time for sure.
I have created a blog related to getting rid from Snakes naturally..
If you have time kindly visit https://inbangalore.info/solar-snake-repeller/.
Sure! Thanks for visiting.
I’m about to start planting for spring on our allotment so this post is timely! #ablogginggoodtime
Good idea.
Wow. Want to start a mini garden soon. Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome.
This is really great suggestions. I’ve always wanted to be a gardener, but never knew really where to start! Great info here!
I’m glad you find it useful 🙂
You are inspiring me I want to start a garden of my own when I buy a house .. hopefully that will be soon great tips
Good luck 🙂
Everyone should grow their own food. I remember starting my garden. It was amazing! It’s like printing your own money!
Absolutely cannot wait to try these tips that! Very useful!
I used to have a green thumb, but then I moved and found that my thumb is brown & broken. Excited to try your tips.
oh no 🙁
Great tips. I have my own backyard garden. I will follow this.
That’s great!
I honestly would want a vegetable garden that could sustain our needs.
Gardening is the best therapy to relax the mind and soul.
Great post. This gardening post remind me of my mother. Nice reading…
That’s nice to hear!
It’s nice to not have to buy some vegetables because you grew them yourself
Yes yes!
Gardening is my favorite activity even back in school days. We learned to appreciate our environment and grow our own produce.
That’s really a great way to teach kids about plants.
Hubs and I are trying to start a garden. It’s not going…well. Thanks for these tips!
My mom and I have started taking care of plants and these tips are definitely helpful!
That must be fun 😀
I do have a small garden which i am planning to expand and these tips would come handy
Good luck with it.
I live in a flat so I don’t have much opportunity to do any gardening, but when I move into a house, I’ll be using these #hackytips!
Thanks 🙂
I can understand! 🙂
I am so going to look for the grow bag! I never heard of that. Nice post!
Thank you 🙂