Hocking Hills State Park


We visited Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio during this summer. Since summer is the best place to visit state parks, I will be waiting excitingly for summer every year. We stay in the place where it starts snowing from December to Marc hence, coming out of the house to have FUN is only during summer.


Hocking Hills State Park


State parks are fun because of the freedom we get to spend our time. Camping, hiking, walking trails, Kayaking, BBQ-ing, and many other fun activities are the greatest attractions of state parks.



Hocking Hills State Park


I have saved many state parks on my Google Maps so that I can mark them once after visiting. Though Hocking Hills was saved last year, this year we got time to visit the park.


Hocking Hills State Park


Hocking Hills State Park


Hocking Hills State Park is in Hocking County Ohio. Spread across 25 miles, Hocking Hills is known for its variety of trails, rock formations, waterfalls, and caves.



There are seven major hiking areas in Hocking Hills State Park –  Ash Cave, Old Man’s Cave, Rock House, Conkle’s Hollow, Cedar Falls, Cantwell Cliffs, and Hemlock Bridge Trail leading to Whispering Cave.


Hocking Hills State Park
Ash Cave


Hocking Hills State Park
Old Man’s Cave



You need almost a day to visit all these places by trails. There are signs and boards around the park to help people to visit the places. Since the park is open all year along, you can plan for Hocking Hills State Park during summer or fall or winter. During summer the park offers hiking, trailing whereas in fall it is amazingly beautiful with fall colors and in winter snow is the best thing to watch!



If you are in Ohio don’t miss Hocking Hills state park. It is one of the must-see things in Ohio. From Columbus, it is just a 1-hour drive!



Things to know about Hocking Hills State Park;


  • Pets are allowed in the park EXCEPT for the nature preserve, Conkle’s Hollow.
  • Wheelchair and stroller are accessible.
  • Park is open 365 days (Including special holidays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day)
  • Swimming is NOT allowed anywhere in the Hocking Hills State Park.
  • Entry and Parking to Hocking Hills State Park are completely FREE.
  • Best time to see Fall colors in the park is generally from October 2nd week to 4th week.
  • Advance booking is available for camping.
  • Wedding is allowed in the park with the form submission and fees.


I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. This is my Third post as part of this and I will be writing about Travel throughout the campaign. Read here my 1st post & 2nd Post.