Many people grow plants in their house for the purpose of decoration. But indoor plants are not just for decoration, they help humans to recover from anxiety, pressure, fatigue, tension, and anger.
Having a group of plants in your Patio or Front yard helps to keep the house humid and also they supply Oxygen. Even a small plant can make many wonders. If you don’t believe, just bring a small flower plant and keep it on your office desk. You will notice the difference.
Indoor plants boost your energy which automatically improves productivity. Natural Green from the plants is good for eyes. Watching plants grow every day makes people happy. It is kind of stress buster.
Every plant has certain health benefits. In 1989 NASA conducted a clean air study and found out that few indoor plants can purify 90% of the toxic air. All these plants were collected, gathered in a room amidst toxic chemicals. After a certain hour, the air was surprisingly clean and most of the plants from the study proved that they are good for health.
Air used for the research may differ from the natural air and the results may differ. But the indoor plants used in the study are the best air purifiers. There is no harm as long as we are getting benefits out of them.
Let’s see some of the best indoor plants.
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)
This plant got this name because its flower resembles the shape of a birds beak. Flower of this plant needs years to blossom but it is worth waiting for! The bright Orange color of the flower can make anyone go wow.
Though this plant needs full sun, it can be grown indoors. Just make sure that the soil is moist. You can water weekly once.
Bird of Paradise plant which has Exotic flower can make you feel happy with its vibrant color. The green leaves are good for air circulation and purification.
Snake Plant
Leaves of Snake plant resembles the shape of a reptile. That’s how this plant got its name. This tropical plant is best for indoor gardening and can be grown easily with proper care.
Snake plant absorbs poisonous gases such as HCHO. According to the NASA study, it can also absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, and other toxics that exists in the air. That is why Snake plant is one of the famous indoor plants.
You can keep Snake plant inside your house but make sure it is sun facing. No need to water daily, let the potting mix dry in between. Water every 2 or 3 weeks in order to grow a healthy plant.
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos)
Pothos can be grown easily indoors. If it is in a container it can grow up to 15 feet (Yes that’s right) or even more. Don’t be surprised if it just keeps on growing.
You can plan to grow this plant alongside your wall. Since they don’t need to be watered daily or need extra attention, even people who are busy can plant them.
Pothos are known for purifying the indoor air and can absorb toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide that exist in the air.
Spider Plant
Spider plants are native to Tropical and South Africa. There are a variety of leaf shapes in this plant; long white-edged green leaves, long green leave with a white line in the middle etc.
As per the NASA clean air study, they are good at absorbing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.
They give better look when you hang them in your hall or Kitchen. Spider plant doesn’t need much attention but just make sure you don’t kill them with a lot of water.
Tulasi (Basil) Plant
According to Ayurveda Tulasi has the best healing properties. This plant leaves are edible to eat thus making them a great plant type. Tulasi is known to absorb the negative energy in the air.
This ‘Queen of herbs’ has the power to cure stomach problems, headaches, skin disease, and cures many other health issues. In India, Tulasi is treated as Goddess and worshipped daily. Chewing Tulasi leaves every morning is good for people who have diabetes.
Water regularly, keep soil & leaves moist in order to grow a healthy plant.
Peace Lily
Peace Lily is one of the popular indoor plants. With its vibrant green leaves and beautiful white flower, it can attract anyone. Though it is a indoor plant, it grows well even in outdoors.
This plant needs low light and hence can be kept anywhere in the house regardless of the sun’s direction. This was one of the plants in NASA study and is proven to filter the air from toxins.
There are a variety of Lilies varying in size and shape. They are easy to care for and need less water.
Swiss cheese plant

The main attraction of the Swiss Cheese plant is leaves. It has wide design leaves with bright green color. Leaves can be 3 feet long with uneven cuts at the edges.
Since it grows rapidly, needs to be trimmed if it’s growing in a container. Because of the size of the leaf, some people prefer it as an outdoor than indoor but you can cut the leaves and use it for decoration purpose.
They need more soil, humidity, and moisturization.
I love this! I never even considered that different plants were better for the house. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you liked it.
Lot of strange names for the plants… Liked the article…I have Tulasi in my house… It is best for treating fever…. Keep it up and good luck…
That’s great. Thank you!
I need to try live plants indoors again. They have such great benefits!
Yup! They make you feel relaxed and happy.
Well I might not have a green thumb, most of the plants I kept in my room withered away, and were transported to my moms room and then they flourished, and since she comes from a family of florists most of the time I had a front row seat to learning about different kinds of plants, I might try with plants again, because I need something to help with my stress levels.
They really help to relax. You can spend your free time in taking care of plants instead of getting lost in thoughts.
I have Basil, spider and snake plant at home. This is a very useful post. Thanks for sharing ??
You are welcome.
I love having plants in my home it gives me something to care for and watch grow in addition to its health benefits and beauty.
Wonderful list. I have all of them except Swiss Cheese.
Oh! That’s great 🙂
That’s pretty cool. The guide has manythings which are really awesome for the peoples. Their many things are mentioned which are useful.
I have most of these plants in my home and I love taking care of them.They are easy to care for and provide us with cleaner air.
The importance of plants in environmental detoxification can not be over emphasized!
Great post, it was very informative to learn about those plants.
Glad you liked it 🙂
Interesting read. Never knew so many benefits and names of these plants… I do have few inside home, but of what u mentioned here. Time to source them. Thanks.
Glad you like it. Hope you will bring them home 🙂
I really enjoyed this. I did not know this about houseplants. I guess I always mistakenly assumed they were decoration. Thanks for sharing this knowledge. I want one of those birds of paradise plants.
Thank you! Glad you liked my post 🙂
In an era of artificial air humidifiers and purefiers, we often tend to ignore these natural methods. Your post is indeed an eye opener!
Very true Priyanka.
Very cool! I’m particularly interested in the Devil’s Ivy. I have no talent for keeping plants alive but I think I could probably handle that one! And we have a ledge in our hallway that might just be the perfect spot for one ?
Go ahead then 🙂
great post, my mom loves plants I’m sure she would love this
I remember growing up with many of these plants in my home. Your pictures are very pretty. Thank you for sharing this helpful information.
My pleasure 🙂
I love my spider pant in my laundry room – makes me happier doing a mundane choir when I see it.
Great! 🙂
Every Indian home has a tulsi plant. I’m planning to get one but not sure if it’ll survive in London weather. Snake plant I think every house should have, so easy to maintain too! xx
Even we are in cold area where it snows heavily during December. But I have a Tulasi plant. It survived 🙂
Awesome post, I never though about this before; i love the swiss cheese plant 😀
Thank you 🙂
Spider plant and Devil’s Ivy seems like the perfect plant for me since I’m always busy and can sometimes neglect my plants
Yeah, they need less maintenance.
Thank you for this post!. It is very informative. I should find these plants to purify the air inside our house.
I’m glad you find it useful.
Love the swiss cheese plant…I always called it a palm…lol
Haha 😀
This is inspiring! I like spider plants:)
Thanks for the list. Now I know what to buy for my garden.
Ah! There we go!
Interesting that there are actually plants that absorbs toxins in the air. I would love to own one soon.
Plants are always helpful in many ways.
Will follow this, you give me an idea! Would prefer snake and spider plants! Thanks!
I have never given indoor plants much thought before, but your post has made me sit up. I should get a couple of them for my home.
I’m glad my post helped 🙂
Nice post, I remember having a Swiss cheese plant in Lebanon. keep it up
Thank you!
I LOVE plants but I am also known as a plant-killer because I”m so bad at taking care of them (I once accidentally killed a succulent once!) I’ve always wanted a snake plant though and from what you said, they seem to be somewhat low-maintenance so I may look into getting one!
Oh no, that’s sad 🙁 try low maintenance plants.
I love indoor plants and I only have an orchid at home. I am going to try these. Thanks for sharing.
Orchid is another great indoor plant!
Indoor plants are great. Maybe some doesn’t that it helps absord carbon dioxide inside the house and releases oxugen. While there is a variety that repels insects inside the house
Yeah! Sprays are required…
I love these recommendations! I’ve been looking to spruce up our interior living space and these sound like just the way to do it.
I had heard that such plants existed but never really knew which ones were those. Now I learned sometihing new, so I’m feeling more knowledgeable now.
— https://itsasweetsweetworld.com
Haha! Thanks 🙂
Always looking for great indoor plants for home and office! Thanks!
You are welcome.
I need more indoor plants so this is a really great guide.
Thank you!
I love my plants (succulents) and you just inspired me to look into getting some more/new ones to brighten my home. And if they can help purify the air — even better!
Glad you liked it 🙂
I agree plants in the house are a great way to keep us healthy. I have pothos all over the place. So easy to care for! Nice post!
Isn’t it? Thank you 🙂
I love plants! I’m definitely going to get myself a Swiss cheese plant soon xx
My mom keeps plants in our balcony and they look beautiful, especially the orchids. I’ll make sure to suggest adding these too. Great post, thanks for sharing ♡
—Athena Christy
Thanks Athena.. I love orchids 🙂