• Always book flights well in advance to get the best price. Sometimes nearby airports might offer cheap tickets than the exact destination. If it saves money then book flight to a nearby airport and then travel via bus or train. 
  • Before booking flight check thoroughly about airline’s extra charges. Nowadays airlines have started charging extra for Check-in bag, seat selection, wifi, food etc. 
  • Make sure of enough layover when there is a connecting flight. If the first flight delays then there is no need to worry about missing the second one. 
  • Free wheelchair facility will be provided for senior citizen and specially-abled people. Book in a day advance to avail this facility.
  • Never forget to web check-in. This gives you buffer time to reach the airport. Also no need to bother about seat since you already have chosen the seat during web check-in.
  • Wear 2-3 layers of clothes to make space in your check-in bag. If check-in luggage is weighing more than restricted then transfer few clothes(2-3 kgs) to a carry-on bag.  Generally, they allow 2-3 kgs plus on carry-on, if not you can try requesting someone who is traveling in the same flight and has less luggage. If nobody is there then just drop them in Lost & Found so that your relatives can collect them later. Last option is to throw in the dustbin! So be wise while packing to avoid all this pain. Keep jeans which weigh heavy on top so that you can easily grab them while transferring. Otherwise, it is a real pain to think about what to transfer at the last minute!
  • Keep a copy of your confirmed tickets, ID proof handy for fast processing. 
  • Airports have prohibited carrying water or any liquid. Water bottles inside airports cost you a fortune. Instead of spending extra bucks on water carry an empty water bottle. Every airport has free drinking water facilities or fountains where you can fill your bottle.
  • Food is very costly inside the airport. During domestic tours carry your own sandwich or any other food item to save your money.
  • Some airlines provide free wifi. Make sure to check this and enjoy the facility. 
  • Shopping inside the airport is Duty-free (Tax-free). Do some research about your destination airport shops to save money on products.
  • Airports allow smoking only outside the terminals and in lounges. Few airports provide smoking rooms facility. 
  • Knives, cutters, scissors, blades etc must be packed in check-in luggage. There is no other option than throwing these to bin if they find out in security scan. Be wise to skip additional security scan. 
  • Don’t keep power banks in check-in bags, they are not allowed. Never keep jewellery, phones, fragile items in check-in bags for safety reasons.
  • May it be accessories or dress, always try to avoid wearing metal on the body. 
  • For long flights keep book or movies on phone to pass time.